€400,00 EUR

[September 21-22,2024] MLS | ONE Toulouse, France (Student)


Saturday, 21 Septembre, 2024 at 8:30AM CET 


Sunday, 22 Septembre, 2024 at 4:00PM CET


Le Local, 33 Rue des Ormes, 31520 Ramonville-Saint-Agne
400euros Student price
Early Bird discount til 1 Septembre


MLS Seminar Confirmation
+1 678-926-9300
[email protected]

The Chiropractic training that revolutionized the profession. MLS Chiropractic Training is the lifelong development of Arno Burnier, he and his staff have trained many of the masters that are leading the profession today. “Combining intuitive presence and perception with  technical precision leads to mastery in the Art of ChiropracTIC.”

MLS is a Hands On weekend of professional Chiropractic training. 

Taught in French. We will have bilingual staff to support with language.

Romain Cardinal, Michael Taeib, et du staff MLS, ce séminaire vous offrira une intégration physique, mentale et spirituelle de l'alignement chiropratique.

 Une combinaison de présence et de perception intuitives avec la précision chirurgicale qui doit caractériser l’art chiropratique
  • Des exercices de réchauffement spécifiques à la chiropratique pour vous préparer aux demandes de l'ajustement structurel.
  • des exercices visant à mettre l'accent sur la vitesse, la vélocité, la précision et l’efficacité.
  • Des exercices spécifiques d'ajustement / subluxation conçus pour entraîner le corps pour chaque segment et ajustement spécifiques.
  • se positionner pour augmenter l’efficacité de chaque ajustement avec plus de douceur et moins de force
  • une meilleure visualisation anatomique des zones cervicales, thoracique, lombaire, sacrum et pelvis pour un ajustement en harmonie avec la physiologie de chaque personne et non contre sa résistance
  • Comment “Lire la personne” AVANT la palpation
  • Comment positionner la colonne vertébrale en position de paix avant de procéder à l'ajustement, sans tension.
  • Technique de visualisation avancée pour mieux voir tout le processus de l’ajustement d’abord en vous.
  • Comment transformer vos mains en « radars » détecteurs!
  • Comment se grounder, se connecter et se centrer avant l’ajustement
  • Comment réaliser des ajustements sans créer de tension des méninges.
  • Comment « lire » la colonne vertébrale lors de chaque ajustement
  • Le système de vecteurs pour rendre l’ajustement lombaire spécifique, doux et puissant à la fois.
  • Comment devenir un expert en chiropratique, professionnel à un niveau d'élite. 


•Chiropractic specific warm-up exercises to prepare yourself for the rigors of structural adjusting.

•Training drills to emphasize speed, core power, and accuracy/ efficiency.

 •Specific drills that have been designed to train the body for each specific listing and adjustment.

•How to Develop Footwork like a “boxer/martial artist.”

•Multidimensional, anatomical breakdown of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar,  Sacrum, Pelvis.

•How to “Read the Person” BEFORE hands-on palpation.

•How to “Bring the Spine to Ease” prior to adjusting.

•Advanced Visualization Technique to see the misalignment in your mind’s eye.

•How to transform your hand into a POWERFUL LISTENING DEVICE.

•Everything you need to know about ARCS, VECTORS OF DRIVE.

•How to Ground, Connect, and Center before delivering an adjustment.

•How to Deliver Smooth Cervical Adjustments without creating meningeal cord tension.

•How to Read the Actual Arc of Drive of the Thoracic Spine.

•The MLS 5 Part Vectoring System for L1-L5 to create a focus/ fulcrum for specificity.

•How to Become A Professional Chiropractic Adjuster at an Elite Level

Led By:

Romain Cardinal, DC

Romain Cardinal, D.C. graduated from IFEC Paris in 2019. He opened his office in La Butte aux Cailles a charming area of Paris. Within 1 year he build a busy and highly successful practice. He practices pure, simple vitalistic chiropractic based on the philosophy, science and the natural laws of life. 

He is committed, dedicated, focused, passionate about being a true chiropractic professional. His adjusting skills are through the roof, especially been as early in his career as he is. He is a master in the making. He trained and staffed at multiple MLS adjusting seminars where is focus, passion, intensity, commitment and maturity was obvious to all.
He is all about being fully present, connected within and aware of Universal Intelligence omnipresence within and without.
He empowers and frees people to take their inner power back, by regaining the authority of their own being. His presence is gentle yet powerful. He is a fantastic teacher with power and clarity of words and purpose. We are all blessed to have him as a teacher-leader at MLS Adjusting Seminars.
*Be sure to subscribe to our email communications to ensure that you receive all pertinent seminar details. 
IMPORTANT CANCELLATION POLICY: Tuition is non-refundable (only transferring to another seminar minus $75 transfer fee. If transfer is needed due to ‘force majeure’ federal mandates then the transfer fee will be waived). Tuition is non-transferable to another participant. Seminar schedules may change. Please always check the schedule prior to attending or making travel arrangements. Seminars canceled due to weather, illness or death in the family will not be refunded. The tuition will be transferred to another seminar at a later date if we are given at least 48 hours notice before the seminar starts (you will only pay the transfer fee). MLS is not responsible for Travel & Lodging expenses/losses incurred.