We are MLS.
We train to bring forth your masterful artistry.
We provide a focused path of mastery to become a pure instrument of healing and consciousness by unifying Contemporary Science, Chiropractic Philosophy, and the Art of adjusting.
We lead by example from a place of loving service, honoring the symbiotic relationship necessary during the adjustment process.
Exploring what it means to live a life of service is paramount to the MLS movement. We nourish the mind, body, and soul of Chiropractors and students so their highest level of service can come alive in the world.

Honoring our Lineage.
We are built on the revolutionary work of our predecessors.
MLS Adjusting Seminars were developed by Master Chiropractor Arno Burnier, D.C. in 1984. MLS was born out of his own frustration from being adjusted in a style which brought the spine to maximum tension. As a result, he developed and refined an innovative way of adjusting by bringing the neuro-spinal system to physiological "peace and ease" prior to the “thrust force.” By allowing the spinal cord-meningeal system to "float", within the neural canal, the spine and person are kept in a state of deep relaxation. The “thrust force” can then travel throughout the entire system for integration making the MLS method of adjusting a tonal approach.
Arno has empowered thousands of Doctors of Chiropractic and chiropractic students to transform their chiropractic adjusting technique into an art form, and to raise their level of professionalism and integrity to the highest level.
MLS has influenced so many chiropractors that have continued the movement in their own offerings and seminars. All acknowledge their foundational skills as being developed with Arno & MLS.
Celebrating Our Present.
Though our programs pioneered the modern 'adjustment seminar', we are ever-evolving the trainings for the next generation.
Our programs are taught by some of today's most seasoned leaders who embody the values and tenets of the original mastery, love, and service framework. The format of the seminars allows and encourages a deepening of inner awareness, reverence, and self respect while the curriculum concisely lays down the foundation of adjusting mastery.
We are the trusted professional & educational resource for those who want to get back to the why we do what we do and deepen their self mastery.

Preparing our Future.
We are cultivating an inclusive community of passionate professionals doing excellent and important work to advance ourselves and the greater good of humanity.
We bridge the gap between the academic and practical. We provide a parallel curriculum emphasizing artistry, passion, and communication.
We support you in unlocking your authentic expression of the sacred trust.
The Leadership Team
"I feel like I was being led and taught in a way that was like...let's go through this together."
Have you ever had a teacher or coach that stands for your greatness with relentless passion?
Our team will stop at nothing to lift you up to your highest self expression and success. We take your investment in self with reverence and respect. Our leadership team loves watching you step up and rock your life!

Wade Port, DC
"MLS taught me how to apply with my two hands what I knew in my heart and soul was possible."

Jim Deegan, DC
"MLS shines a light onto The Path of Mastery leading to a heart centered and extraordinary life."

Emily Mayo, DC
"MLS has taught me how to listen to a persons system, connect with them where they’re at, and gently adjust to help unlock their potential."
Zach Thomas, DC
"MLS showed me the potential of an adjustment while simultaneously showing me the potential we hold in every aspect of life."

Nathan Gerowitz, DC
"MLS showed me how to embody the principle and deliver the promise of chiropractic in an authentic way. Walking the path of mastery has led to a life. I'm proud of."

Romain Cardinal, DC
"To be a master of adjustment we need to have on-going great training, a high understanding of what we do, and a deep level of commitment. MLS brings together all of these ingredients for success."
Charles Leroux, DC
"MLS could be defined with 2 words: connection and respect. Connection and respect of the integrity of chiropractic philosophy, the art of adjustment and most importantly, the person that you have the privilege to serve. "